Team - Experimental Therapeutics Lab
Group Leader: Prof. Carlo Catapano, MD PhD
After graduating in Medicine summa cum laude in 1983, Carlo Catapano specialized in Oncology at the University of Naples (Naples, IT). During his training and career, he worked at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research (IRFMN, Milan, IT), the Bowman Gray Medical School and the Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC, USA), where he received the Ph.D. in Biochemistry. From 1993, he was a Professor of Experimental Oncology, Biochemistry and Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, USA). Since 2003, he has been Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology at the IOSI and then Director of the IOR. He is also Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Therapeutics and is responsible for the IOR's Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapeutics Program.
He is the author of over 115 scientific publications and his major scientific contributions include:
- Role of transcription and epigenetic regulators in the expansion of cancer stem cells and as potential therapeutic targets.
- Discovery of small non-coding RNAs as epigenetic regulators of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells
- Dependence of cancer stem cells on mitochondrial metabolism and dynamics, and development of novel anticancer therapies.
Balla Atik, Research Assistant
Catapano Carlo, Group leader
Civenni Gianluca, Staff Scientist
Corbo Lucia, Master Student
Federici Elisa, PhD Student
Forner Sofia, Master Student
Impellizzieri Daniela, Staff Scientist
Martinelli Sara, Master Student
Mosole Simone, Senior Scientist - Co-Lead Experimental Pathology Facility
Musumeci Carola, Research Assistant
Storelli Elisa, Staff Scientist
Uboldi Valeria, PhD Student