Logo Istituto Affiliato

Institute of Oncology Research (IOR),

affiliated to USI,

run by an


foundation with the same name



The IOR Foundation is the governing body of the IOR.

Board of Trustees

  • Prof. Franco Cavalli, President, Member of the Executive Committee
  • Prof. Giorgio Noseda, Vice-President, Member of the Executive Committee
  • Atty. Mario Branda
  • Prof. Thomas Cerny
  • Prof. Silke Gillessen, Member of the Executive Committee
  • Prof. Luisa Lambertini
  • Prof. Pietro Majno-Hurst 
  • Ing. Glauco Martinetti
  • Atty. Florian Marxer, Member of the Executive Committee
  • Alba Masullo
  • Prof. Georg Stüssi
  • Giovanni Zürcher, Cashier, Member of the Executive Committee

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Prof. Riccardo Dalla Favera, Columbia University, New York
  • Prof. Alberto Bardelli, AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan
  • Prof. Michael N. Hall, Biozentrum, University Basel
  • Prof. Michael Hallek, University of Cologne, Cologne
  • Prof. Nancy E. Hynes, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel
  • Prof. George Thalmann, Inselspital, Bern



The IOR Foundation also manages: