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Institute of Oncology Research (IOR),

affiliated to USI,

run by an


foundation with the same name


Team - Experimental Hematology Lab


Group Leader: Rossi Davide, MD, PhD

Davide Rossi obtained the specialization in Internal Medicine and the PhD in Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Eastern Piedmont, where he was Professor of Hematology. He obtained the specialization in Hematology at the IOSI. Since 2015, he is Group Leader of the Experimental Hematology research program at the IOR, Deputy Head of the Division of Hematology and co-chair of the Clinical Lymphoid Tumors Investigation Program at the IOSI.

He is the principal investigator of national and international clinical trials in the field of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and co-author of the WHO Classification of Hematologic Malignancies.

He is the author of more than 340 scientific publications, and among his major scientific achievements, there are:

  • Genome landscape of marginal zone lymphoma.
  • Circulating tumor DNA as lymphoma biomarker.
  • Genetics, biomarkers and treatment of lymphoproliferative diseases.

Complete biography


Bocchetta Simone, Staff Scientist
Bruscaggin Alessio, Staff Scientist
Castiglioni Riccardo, Master Student
Forestieri Gabriela, Lab Technician
Galimberti Georgia Alice, Lab Technician
Jauk Federico, PhD Student
Piffaretti Deborah, PostDoc
Pirosa Maria, Visiting Research Fellow
Romano Ilaria, Visiting Research Fellow
Rossi Davide, Group leader
Salehi Matin, PhD Student
Terzi di Bergamo Lodovico, PhD Student