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Institute of Oncology Research (IOR),

affiliated to USI,

run by an


foundation with the same name


Team - Functional Cancer Genomics Lab


Group Leader: Jean-Philippe Theurillat MD

Jean-Philippe Theurillat studied Medicine at the University of Zurich, where he received his Federal Diploma in Human Medicine in 1999. Specializing first in Internal Medicine and then in Surgical Pathology at the University Hospital in Zurich and CHUV in Lausanne, he then obtained his certificate in pathology in 2007. After a period as a PostDoc at ETH and in Boston, he received funding as a boursier professor from the SNF in 2014, which allowed him to develop his research interests at the IOR. His work has been recognized by several awards, including the Pfizer Prize for Oncology Research in 2012 and the Astellas Prize in 2017. Since 2019, Prof. Theurillat is a tenured professor at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences at USI.

He is the author of more than 30 scientific publications and his major contributions include:

  • Identification of TRIM24 as a transcriptional regulator implicated in advanced castra- tion-resistant cancers.
  • Identifications of recurrent mutations in the SPOP gene in prostate cancer and endometrial cancer.
  • Development of a prostate cancer molecular atlas with data derived from primary and metastatic specimens (pcaprofiler.com) that will allow the discovery of molecular pathways of tumor progression and development of new therapies.

Complete biography


Bolis Marco, Senior Investigator, Bioinformatician
Bossi Daniela, PostDoc
Bressan Silvia, Research Assistant
Coazzoli Marco, Research Assistant
Corpetti Matteo, PhD Student
El Marrahi Anissa, PhD Student
Formaggio Nicolò, PhD Student
Gianfanti Federico, PostDoc
Impellizzieri Daniela, Research Associate
Nicastri Simone, Bioinformatician
Salfi Giuseppe, Visiting Research Fellow
Theurillat Jean-Philippe, Group leader
Thillaiyampalam Gayathri, Bioinformatician
Zhang Jichang, Bioinformatician

Open positions